ESDO Media Briefing on Plastic INC-2
By External Source
PARIS, Jun 19 2023 (IPS-Partners)
Plastic INC-2 finished up by laying out a roadmap for the time in between meetings leading to INC-3, requiring the creation of a “zero draft” of the new treaty for review at INC-3. Allocating a day to discuss the synthesis report of elements not thought of during INC-2 prior to the meeting. Representing Global Plastic INC-2, Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Secretary General of ESDO provided an overview of the meeting’s results today (Thursday) in the media briefing, press briefing organized by Environment and Social Development Organization.
Dr. Shahriar informed, the meeting was seen by many as a way to gauge the Committee members’ dedication to the process and to the treaty that would eventually end plastic pollution. Despite the contentious debates, lengthy pauses, and late hours, the Nairobi spirit was still alive. Now that they have voiced their thoughts on the options paper.
Dr. Shahriar said that all the plastic that we have ever touched is most likely still in existence. Even if it’s fragmenting, it still remains land or sea-based. Plastic has been found in the most remote and most accessible areas of the natural world. Furthermore, plastic is created from fossil fuels, and emits greenhouse gases that influence climate change, he added.

Dr. Shahriar Hossain
Delegates at the second encounter of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) to develop an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) about plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, gathered at the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) headquarters in Paris, France. Two contact groups were held throughout the day and night, and they discussed objectives and obligations, measures of implementation (MoI), implementation measures, and other matters. Group 1, headed by Gwendalyn Kingtaro Sisior (Palau) and Axel Borchmann (Germany), examined the aims and substantial commitments of the ILBI’s future. The group gave their first impressions and put their emphasis on the 12 potential duties regarding options, such as:
- • phasing out and/or reducing the supply of, demand for, and use of, primary plastic polymers;
• banning, phasing out, and/or reducing the use of problematic and avoidable plastic products;
• banning, phasing out, and/or reducing the production, consumption, and use of chemicals and polymers of concern;
• reducing microplastics;
• strengthening waste management;
• fostering design for circularity;
• encouraging “reduce, reuse and repair” of plastic products and packaging;
• promoting the use of safe, sustainable alternatives and substitutes;
• eliminating the release and emission of plastics to water, soil and air;
• addressing existing plastic pollution;
• facilitating a just transition, including an inclusive transition of the informal waste sector; and
• protecting human health from the adverse effects of plastic pollution.
The Committee decided to go with the oral decision.
Final Decision:
- • Urges members and observers to forward INC-2 reports to the Secretariat and requests the Secretariat to upload these submissions to the INC website;
• Requests INC Chair Meza-Cuadra, with the support of the Secretariat, to prepare a zero-draft text of the ILBI for consideration at INC-3, guided by the views expressed at INC-1 and INC-2, with a full range of options indicated.
The resolution also calls on the Secretariat to: ask observers to submit their ideas by August 15, 2023, and for members to do the same by September 15, 2023, for elements that were not included in the options paper, such as principles and scope, and for any areas that need to be addressed between meetings;
Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary Govt., presided over the Media Briefing. Moderated by Dr. Ainun Nishat, Professor Emeritus, Center of Climate Change and Environmental Research, BRAC University.
‘The second Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) session focused on developing a legally binding treaty to address plastic pollution, including the marine environment. It emphasized the need to tackle the chemicals in plastics to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of plastics at all stages of their lifecycle’, said Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Chairperson of ESDO.
Concerning the recent international plastic treaty, ESDO delivered the subsequent declaration.
- • Limiting, phasing out, and decreasing the manufacture, usage, and consumption of chemicals and polymers that are a worry.
• Cutting down on microplastics.
• Utilizing zero-waste mechanisms to reinforce waste management and solutions.
• Promoting the use of safe, sustainable alternatives and substitutes.
• Protecting human health from the adverse effects of plastic pollution throughout the life cycle.
• Addressing existing plastic pollution.
Dr. Shahriar Hossain, said, ‘A global plastic treaty on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment where plastics waste and chemical pollution are driving the triple planetary crisis relating to environment climate, and pollution. It is high time we should take the necessary steps from our side to beat plastic pollution.’
‘To ban the massive production and tremendous use of single-use plastic products in our daily lives, we need to promote environment-friendly alternative plastic products to secure biodiversity and public health,’ said Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of the Environment and Social Development Organization.